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Complications Of Diabetes


 Long term Diabetes affects eyes in many ways. The three main manifestations are 1. Cataract  2. Glaucoma  3.Retinopathy. 

Cataract , which is opacification of the lens, happens much earlier in Type 2 diabetes than in the rest of the population. It can only be treated by surgery. Glaucoma is caused due to increased pressure of fluid in the eye, leading to eye pain and vision loss. Although anyone can be diagnosed with Glaucoma, it is more commonly seen in Diabetics.

Retinopathy is a serious complication of Diabetes which can result in permanent blindness. It is usually a silent ailment which can only be picked up on a dedicated retinal examination. There are four stages of Diabetic retinopathy, and symptoms only manifest at Stage 3 or 4. This necessitates immediate treatment to prevent vision loss.

Good blood sugar control and yearly retinal scans will prevent this complication.


Diabetes affects the kidneys in many ways, most common being Protein leak from the kidneys causing Diabetic Nephropathy. Again, this disease is silent and will not be known unless tested. A few months/years after the nephropathy starts, a patient can experience frothy urine which is a sign of protein leak. In later stages, there may be development of swelling in legs, face and hands. Finally, if nephropathy progresses, there is lesser and lesser urine formed, leading to kidney failure which necessitates dialysis 3 times a week.

Good blood sugar control and yearly monitoring is essential to prevent kidney failure, 


Diabetic neuropathy is a serious complication which can result in  foot/leg amputations.

Diabetes mainly affects the nerves involved in the sensations of the feet. This will result in abnormal sensations in the feet like burning, pricking, feeling hot/cold, pains etc. These are distressing symptoms and require regular medications. The next stage of Diabetic neuropathy is a complete loss of sensation in feet, which can lead to injury, infection and gangrene. 

ALL these complications are mostly irreversible once they manifest. However further progression can be halted with good blood sugar control and regular screening for these complications.

Other complications:

Diabetes is one of the main risk factors for heart attacks and Brain strokes. To avoid these complications, one should also ensure that along with diabetes, his/her blood pressure and cholesterol levels are well controlled. One should also refrain from smoking/ eating tobacco and avoid drinking excess alcohol.